Trainfantome + 9 new Indie-Rock names to watch closely

Trainfantome + 9 new Indie-Rock names to watch closely

In times when everything we see and hear in the music industry and showbiz comes down to pop and trap, it’s always good to know that there are many new and good indie rock bands around the world making an honest sound. Starting with the incredible Trainfantome quartet, check out my selection:


See also:


Philosopher Pirate

circle round a sphere

Slightest Clue

Roxy Jules

Rocket Bike


Strange Magic

Definitely Barney

Bonus: Theredspirit

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Marcos Tadeu

Marcos Tadeu

Jornalista, idealizador e apresentador do Rock Cabeça na 100,9 FM, Rádio Inconfidência FM (MG) desde 2016. Acima de tudo, um fã de rock gringo.