This is rock: from surf to math, 11 songs you should be listening today

I want to apologize to the readers of this site. It’s just that, eventually, I forget that it’s also about rock, which is the genre that rocked practically my whole life. The most interesting thing is that today it is divided into so many subgenres that no one is wrong when they say that everything is rock and roll.
In this article, in question, I have separated some of my great discoveries in this vast territory. We have here everything from the healthy nostalgia of surf music, courtesy of No press, to the novelty of math-rock. But we also have garage, indie, classic, metal, punk…the question is, can you relate each of the bands below to their main subgenre?
Let’s start with an excellent post-hardcore band from Chicago (the home of American hard-rock): maewestchi.
Bad Flamingo
Dancing with Ghosts
modern-day machines
Star Matriarch
The Dionysus Effect
Joe & The Shitboys
Bonus: No press
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