Energy Whores: “House of Cards” for the dance floor

Energy Whores: “House of Cards” for the dance floor

To begin with. I’m a big fan of “protest rock” (something that should be a pleonasm), mainly democratic rock, more to the left, led by people like Roger Waters and the awesome band Rage Against The Machine, who don’t shy away from criticizing, ideologically, the fascist threat and the big capitalist corporations. Now, an artist who criticized with such precision and sarcasm all the hypocrisy of the American electoral system, it’s the first time I’ve seen it, and heard it. It’s like “House of Cards” for the dance floor.

I’m talking about the Energy Whores project (the name is very suggestive indeed), by the singer-songwriter, producer, director and screenwriter Carrie Schoenfeld and the singer/songwriter and Attilio Valenti, a band that, more than anything, creates modern (and cruel) art in a basement somewhere in New York City.

We are an indie band that writes, records, produces and (tries to master) in a basement. Remember , good stuff can come out of a basement! 

Carrie Schoenfeld (Facebook quote)

Energy Whores
Carrie (not Bradshaw) making the politicians blush

Also, the single I’m referring to is “Dark Money”, an electro-punk-pop whose hypnotic beat isn’t enough to distract from the lyrics’ acidity. Here, words like “money laundering” and “offshore accounts” unexpectedly marry well with the danceable chorus, as the guitar riffs add more organicity to Carrie’s beautiful mixing and soft vocals.

Well, we just heard that Trump intends to run for the next election. I believe that “Dark Money” can serve as a soundtrack for the next batch of memes coming his way. Who knows?

Listen now to “Dark Money” by The Energy Whores:

And now, tell us what did you think about this sound on the comments, please.

Marcos Tadeu

Marcos Tadeu

Jornalista, idealizador e apresentador do Rock Cabeça na 100,9 FM, Rádio Inconfidência FM (MG) desde 2016. Acima de tudo, um fã de rock gringo.