Carpark + 7 reasons why Pop-Punk is about to save the world

An uncontainable desire to have fun, but also to release all the anguish and anger stored up during the pandemic. This mixture of two paradoxical feelings is one of the biggest attractions of the so-called pop-punk, a genre that has gained traction in recent years both due to the consecration of bands like Paramore and the triumphant return of Avril Lavigne in a beautiful album “Love sux” (2022).
And, who would say, the ones who have done better within the genre are women, with fun and at the same time provocative songs, which tend to put us men in our proper places….One of the best examples of this new breed – and which, for the time being, is still in the opening stage for festivals – is the Irish/English female trio Carpark, whom we already talked about in the interview with the friendly drummer Loda.
Having released several singles between 2021 and 2022, not to mention the wonderful ep “The World Ended in 2012”, the most curious thing about Carpark’s work is that, despite sounding a little more pop on streaming, it is on stage that the girls reveal their punk side, with shows of pure energy and sweat – very much like what an unknown band like Nirvana did in the 90’s.
And speaking of the 90s, it’s no coincidence that they chose a room with posters of the Titanic idol (DiCaprio) as a location for the latest video “Don’t want you”. An inside joke that, more than anything, demonstrates that the sound they made is like a wake-up call to the innocent little girl standard, although they themselves recognize that, like all girls, they were subjected to this kind of brainwashing promoted by the cultural industry and mainly because of the patriarchy. Well, when it comes to Loda, Scottie and Hattie, the talented musicians of Carpark, the whole world is their parking lot.
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tiger del flor
The Famous Kelly Craige
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Bonus: Diya Dhar
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