Abigail Saunders + 9 Female Musicians that could easily be scaled for Primavera Sound 2024

As I write this article, I listen to Abigail Saunders, or simply Abi – an old soul trapped on a woman’s body who was born in Bromley, London only 22 years ago. Well, I honestly don’t know why: even if I am a huge “USA” fan, there’s something about the UK culture and music that goes straight to my heart, speaking directly to me.
And by now, there’s a generation of young composers coming from there – like the one and only Holly Humberstone – that could easily be on any Primavera Sound’s line up, such as Abi (yep, I mentioned Primavera Sound because is my favorite festival, the one with the best music curation).
Inside this article you will find a bunch of talented women from every genre possible. The common thing about them? They all make music from their hearts, confronting patriarchy with their unique poetry. Their next stop? Possibly Primavera Sound, who knows? Here are my tips.
Abigail Saunders
Abi is a multi-instrumentalist who cites, as her main references, great artists such as The Doors and Fleetwood Mac. Her refined musical taste is inherited from her grandparents, who exposed her from a very early age to some of the best bands of the 70s. Proving that she is above all eclectic, Abi also has a passion for hip-hop from the legendary Wu Tang Clan.
After releasing the epic and heartbreaking “Records & Phone”, Abi is currently preparing to release more original songs and needless to say, in time for Primavera Sound 2024!
See also:
Amanda Daviner
Hannah Telle
Harley Olivia
Olivia De La Cruz
Eden Rain
Sara Trunzo
Cecile A
Caroline Phillips
Bonus: Lupe Dragon
Hey, don’t forget to check another girls from this article!