14 (more) candidates for the Alt.Country Breakup Club

Respond quickly if you can. When do you know you’re listening to a real alternative country gem?
a) when the tears starts to flow
b) when the heart squeezes
c) when you realize you need to order one more beer
d) all of the above answers
Well, if you answered (d), congratulations. You are close to understanding what an alt.rock ballad means to someone who has learned to listen to music as a kind of second language. To make this list, I couldn’t resist a sneaky new “play” on each of the tracks and, I must say, it moved me a lot, as it will move you. Grab your beer and let’s go.
Kyle McKearney
Shaked Sanity and Linda Hartmanns
Range Life
Mark Rolfe
Emiliano Ortiz
jugo verde
Byrne Method
Cary Cooper
Tanner Usrey
Tanner Carlton
Brandon’s Breakup Club
Ryan Neely
Electric Candlelight
Dru Cutler
Bonus: Present Peasant
So, which one of them really made you cry? Also, take a look on this list!