11 new indie-rock bands to follow closely

That the pandemic, in addition to all the damage done to human lives, practically destroyed the world’s independent music scene, is nothing new. The novelty is to realize that bands from all corners of the world have already returned with everything to the stage and, above all, have returned to composing and recording songs that will certainly mark this period of collapse of the pandemic.
Bands like The Wheel Workers and Burn The Louvre, which is a breath of freshness and creativity in the face of the new world they sing about. We also have the return of lyricism: Friendly Faces takes back all the magical aura of guitar and voice that was so successful – and still does – with Neil Young. Already bands like Mad Radio, Voice of Addiction and Angry Son rescue all the vigor of rock made by names like The Replacements and Hüsker Du.
The other names on our (small) list do not miss out, constituting a promising universe for rock made after the coronavirus. Check it out.
11.The Wheel Workers
10. Burn The Louvre
9. Jane’s Party
8. Angry Son
7. The Land
6. Voice Of Addiction
5.the eight five two
4.The Damned Don’t Cry
3.Friendly Faces
2. River Knight
1. Mad Radio
Bonus: Nothing but a Nightmare
So, which one of the artists you liked the most? Tell Us in the comments!