Amáutica against the wind

Genre: dark rock. The classification that Amáutica itself defined for its sound could not be more accurate. El Gurú (vocals/guitar) and Romina Dusk (drums), the duo, or rather, the Argentine couple responsible for Amáutica, brings together both the vigor of rock that we no longer see today, and the obscurity of a sophisticated production.”We decided to form a band because of our common disagreement with the music that was being played on the radio at that time, and even now“, explains the duo.
There is no underground scene here. They are all tribute bands, nothing new.
Amáutica on Buenos Aires music scene
With a touch of Pixies, “Acaso El Viento”, Amáutica’s newest and powerful single is a kind of anthem for all the lonely spirits who ever walked the earth. “Lyrics talks about the loneliness of the spiritual seeker, faced with the impossibility of fully understanding his experiences“, says the band. It’s the first song from the upcoming album “Sin Altares”, set to be release in September.
2 5 Things about Amáutica
RC: Hello guys! How is it going? Are you in Argentina?
A: Hello! We are fine, thank you. And yes, we live in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
RC: Tell us a bit about Amáutica’s history. Are you a couple, friends, relatives?
A: We started as a duo at the end of 2008. We mixed our interest in literature with rock music. We have been a couple for over twenty years, and we decided to form a band because of our common disagreement with the music that was being played on the radio at that time, and even now.
RC: “Acaso El Viento” is a very powerful song, with many layers. Was it difficult to record? Tell us about the lyrics too.
A: Not at all, we love that song from its composition, so when we recorded it was worked out in detail. Lyrics talks about the loneliness of the spiritual seeker, faced with the impossibility of fully understanding his experiences.
RC- How’s the Argentinian underground rock and roll scene right now? Is it alive? Do you know, enjoy any bands from Brazil?
A: There is no underground scene here. They are all tribute bands, nothing new. Yes, we love Brazilian bands, especially those from the 80’s.
RC – What are the next projects of Amáutica? Doing some shows, recording a full album? Maybe festivals?
A: Our focus now is on the release of our upcoming album “Sin Altares” which “Acaso El viento” is its first single preview. Next month we’ll be releasing a second single from it, and the full album release is dated for September 6th.