Aimee Lefkowicz + 10 new indie-folk names to start well 2025

Aimee Lefkowicz + 10 new indie-folk names to start well 2025

The challenge here is very simple. Try not to fall in love or have some good time with at least one name of this playlist. Is kinda impossible: believe me, I’ve tried this before…

Aimee Lefkowicz

Inspired by the sounds of PNW trees, acoustic guitars, Taylor Swift, long drives, Alanis Morrisette, falling in love, Fleetwood Mac, childhood nostalgia, utter heartbreak, The Head and the Heart, and much much more, Aimee blends her love of indie/folk/pop with her love of country songwriting styles to create her own sound to tell her stories. You can find more information at

See also:


Ghost of a soulman

Olivia James

Lynn Rosenblood

Jack Elliot

Matt Akerman

Christopher & the Saints

Blake Worthington

The Staleys

Ashtyn Barbaree

Bonus: Lucky Lucca

So, did you enjoy this indie-folk playlist? Maybe you will enjoy this one also!

Marcos Tadeu

Marcos Tadeu

Jornalista, idealizador e apresentador do Rock Cabeça na 100,9 FM, Rádio Inconfidência FM (MG) desde 2016. Acima de tudo, um fã de rock gringo.