7 new random covers you gonna be talking about

7 new random covers you gonna be talking about

The new covers list is always the most difficult to finish. Honestly. It’s hard to find tracks that really takes us to a new adventure, a new version – or impression – of something that already exists inside our minds. On this article, I gather some interesting artists that gave us a new look into some classics like “Living on a Prayer” by Bon Jovi, or even “I kissed a girl” by Katy Perry. Check it out:

Andre Pedone

Mazdem + B Jones

Kevin Landt

Cult Baby

Systemized Defeat

Geri & Joe (x 2)

So, if you in fact enjoyed this new covers list, maybe you gonna enjoy this one too!

Marcos Tadeu

Marcos Tadeu

Jornalista, idealizador e apresentador do Rock Cabeça na 100,9 FM, Rádio Inconfidência FM (MG) desde 2016. Acima de tudo, um fã de rock gringo.